Wednesday, July 28, 2010

::Feeling Drowned::

nak luahkan perasaan buleh??
Tak boleh!! Never EVER!!
ish.. kalut awat tah!! blog aku suka hati la!
dah tanya orang bila orang jawab nak marah pulak! :p
ishhh!! p main jauh-jauh!! jangan kacau! tngah muddy haha 
silap moody nih! satgi aku cekik kang
tak pasai-pasai masuk tanjung durian!!
hah! melawan-mlawan ckp mak! ehh~
jgn slah pham. lakonan smata2..
aku blom jadi mak..
dan xmau lg jadi mak!!

kenapa??? sejak akhir2 ni aku macam mayat hidup??
yang berlemak tapi tak menggunakan lemaknya!
yang bertulang tapi mcm org pth tulg!
tang ad sgalnya!
huuu~ bila dgar si dia dah single..
aku pun xtau nak kata apa..
takkan nk p kata

putus kaki tumbuh balik ! aku takkan buat lagu tu!
malu aihhh!!
bila aku cuba carik orang lain...
dah jumpa!
kawan lama aku!
mmg dari skolah rendah lagi mnat kat dia!
dengar kata lepas dia break dengan *tut * dia still single!
clearr mau lagu tu!! tak payah masuk jarum!! 
teruih jahit tebuk dengan jari!
tapi malang berbau busuk!
aku kawan denga *tut*..
aku ni la gatai lidah p tanya dia dengan sapa lani..
dia pun p kata aku kapel balik dengan dia...( budak yang aku mnat)
aq pun... What The Frog!!!!

hancur !! mcm kna acid hati aku! 
lepaih tu kawan aku plak p duk mnunjuk! dia baru kapel!!
sakit hati ya amat kesakitan!!
tapi.. hati kecil aku bergedik..
hmm.. xpa.. tak mati aih kalau xcouple!
dah nasib terima Je lah! ag tu hudoh!

Woii! dah cukup ni melebih!  
kata aku hudoh!!!

heart Pictures, Images and Photos


Friday, July 23, 2010

::Keyboard 2::

aku: asal hang nih?? gila apa?? kerja gelak.. 
aku lagi satu: alaaa..~ biaq la yang ang nih selalu nak cari pasai dengan aku pasai pa??
aku: kalau hang nih tak menggagu aku, aku pon tak teringin nak cuit hang pon!
aku lagi satu: amooeehh~ ayat.... sat lagi perasan nak kena penapaq dah ni!!
aku: kalau hang tampaq aku hang pon sakit la bongok!!
aku lagi satu: ang ni kalau tak menyakitkan hati aku yang suci lagi bersih ni
memang tak sah kan??
asal lak aku sakit?? aku tampaq hang kan?? hang la sakit!
aku: arghh! susah la cakap dengan orang biul macam hang ni!
ang tu aku, aku tu ang!
aku lagi satu:    xtaw xtaw.. pning!! aku aku la.. hang hang.. 
dah ar xmau cakap dgn hang!!
aku: :p aku pun..

Pola Pictures, Images and Photos
pola bear Pictures, Images and Photos

wahahah! msti ampa trkejut cipanzee kan?? hahha
cipanzee?? menatang patu??
aku pun xtaw mngkin bnatg ni trhasil sbab hasil kacukan 
kot.. hmm..

dasar bengong! tajuk keyboard alih2 gmbar bear kurang siuman yg aq ltak..
alah.. chill la.. kat Malaysia ni kan agk pnas.. jd kta nk kasi sejuk sket!
ok.. balik kpada topik yang sebetulnya..
hurm.. dah dua kali aku p klas keyboard!
duk practise kat umah bkn main! aq la yg pling expert main..
sebab mama, abah, adik aku mana ada pernah belajar keyboard!
sah-sah la aku expert! agagga
tapi kan...
bila pi ja klas.. aku rasa berdebaq-debaq la! 
asal tkan key ja jari nmpk sgt ketaq2..
tgok not pun kekadang buleh silap.

macam taik ja! jadi yang paling morron kat situ!
dah la aku sorang form 2 p hari tu! 
bdak lain semua ptut pggil aq kakak !
terasa macm budak!
tapi xpa! aq rela! lani buleh main chord C n G agagaga
aku buat syok! bdak 1hari pun reti!
dah dah!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

:: Deep, deep in my heart::

Why always i'm the one who will be hurt??
why only me who feel like this to you??
Why should i have this feelings toward you??
why i'm always happy when i see you 
though you don't even noticed that i'm there??
Why it is always me who still here for you??
Why i cannot throw you out of my mind??

How should i fixed this heart??
when i look at you, do you will look at me back??
even for a while??
you know how much its hurt deep inside when i saw you with her??
when i look at you, you look at me back ...
i was so happy but then i realize that she's behind me...
how can i smile when you smile at me while you by her side??
Why i am the one who have to carry all this burden in my heart??
even tomorrow i'll die can i feel your love??
can i look your face??
can i hold your hand??
can you be by my side only for a day??
can i hear your voice singing to me, talking to me??
can you look into my eyes??

why i have to be like this??
because i love you..
why i still waiting for you, while i know you will not be with me??
because i love you..
yah.. because i love you.. i did all this.. i can't do  anything except looking at you from a far distance i really hope you can hear my heart calling for you.. hows my heart beating so badly when you passed by.. hows my heart bleeding so badly when you're with her.. hows my eyes are telling how much i love you.. why can't i be the one who's stand by your side?? you treat me like i'm not exist ! maybe for you i'm nothing but for me you're everything... because deep, depp in my heart i'm always LOVE YOU.. T__T



Thursday, July 8, 2010

:: Pinkish Chocolate::

Pop's Chocolate Birthday Cake Pictures, Images and Photos

ok.. aku baru reka cerita.. hahaha..
aku tau mungkin banyak grammar mistakes or apa apa jela..
tapi janji ampa paham apa yang aku nak sampaikan nooh..

i don't know what happen with all people around me. they keep talking and thinking about love. They just 14 years old and i think its not a suitable time for us to wasting our time just about the stupid thing called love. sometimes i felt annoyed when my friends always talking about it in class. when they ask me about my love story i just keep my mouth shut and not saying any word. i couldn't tell them the truth that i never had a boyfriend before and i never had a sweet memory about love to share with them. this make me feel very tiny among them. its quite embarrassing. And after sometimes i felt like blowing the candle off. But then i just let them be in their world and me in my world. maybe after a time when they get bored, they will shut their mouth up. But suddenly, something that i never expected for it to happened.

For the first time in my life a boy gave me a chocolate. I got shocked when when i look into my locker, there was a bar of chocolate. the chocolate was tied with a cute pink ribbon with a note with it. I read the note and i felt like the world had turned upside down and i felt like banging my head to the wall but i know it would hurt a lot. According to the note he gave me, he's confessing his feeling towards me and i don't even know his name. he just wrote his name acronym on the note. how can i find him? Many things running in my mind. I kept thinking for this all night i can't sleep. when i'm trying to close my eyes the chocolate will appear in my mind. I can't be like this for all time or i will die because of not getting enough sleep. I look at the clock hanging on the wall. its almost but i can't sleep. i can't let the chocolate haunting my mind. I wanted to throw it at first  but then, i felt hungry furthermore, its my favourite chocolate, I cannot let it be in the dustbin. So i ate it at last. The chocolate melts on my tounge, i can feel a flavor of love. weird that's all i can say because i had eaten the same chocolate for many times but never taste it like this. So crazy is this thing we call love.

ok ok.. mesti ada yang kata kan?? isshh bila nak habis??
hahah dah habeh dah pon!!!!!
bye!! jumpa lagi di next entry..

Friday, July 2, 2010

Salam Kembali!!!

aku: sudah lama ya aku tak update blog??? heheh salam kembali!!
aku lagi satu:cesshh!! baru seminggu lama apanya??? hang update pun bukannya ada orang baca!!
aku:  ishh!! biaq pi la blog aku yang hang sibuk awat??
aku lagi satu:sengal ar hang ni!!!
aku: hang lagi la menyengalkan!! :P!!

ok.. first.. hahah!! ada yang kisah aku tak update
blog nih and ada yang tak kisah..
tapi aq kisah apa?? ok brapa banyak kisah aq tulis?? ahaahha!!

ok bagi yang kisah kenapa aku update sebab aku tak dan or tak sempat!!
sekolah beb!! kalau weekdays memang aku tak dan nak 
dating dengan laptop kesanyangan ni..  

bagi yang tak kisah aku nak cakap yang
aku pun tak kisah :p hahah

ok.. sepanjang minggu ni.. aku tak tau nak kata 
apa yang menarik berlaku..
actually semalam sebelum melelapkan mata yang cantik nih..
chewaahhh!! haha aku ada terpikiaq
benda yang nak di merapukan di sini..
tapi bila celik ja mata aku lupa habih semua!!
tak guna sungguh buat penat urat saraf aku ja..!!!

WHITE TEETH Pictures, Images and Photos

aku nak cerita yang gigi ku dah bersih 
dan aku nekad!! nak jaga dia!! supaya selalu bersih!!
aicehh tek bermaksud sebelum ni gigi aku buruk macam bawah ni
Top Teeth at 5+ Months Pictures, Images and Photos
yiiihhHH!! gelinya!!

OHH  this is too much agagga
ok aku nak main keyboard dan agak teruja..

Yamaha Keyboard Pictures, Images and Photos

tapi.. kenapa org sekeliling aku asyik cakap..
hang akan bosan nanti..
help me!!
aku admit lah tersangat teruja untuk main muzik...
kwlas aku start hari ahad ni.. pkul 4.15 or 4.30 ptg..
asalnya hari sabtu.. tapi kena tunda.. huhuhu!! iskk siall!!